Good news! Confianz is going all constructive and geared-up, and here we share word on the self-undertaken mission to build the free OpenERP Android App.
The details are available at:
If you aren’t a techie and are wondering what all this is about… OpenERP is a popular and successful opensource web based ERP developed by OpenERP Inc, Belgium, back in 2005 as ‘TinyERP’ and have made it real big over the years. Ofcourse, you might be familiar with SAP, Oracle and Microsoft Dynamics, but OpenERP primarily occupies the SMB niche and is the top favorite. The primary plus point is that you get to use Openerp for free and the system is easy to work with. So if you own a small business, you can use OpenERP to manage all your business activities from anywhere in the world (remember, it’s web-based) whatever it be, like accounts, sales, customer relationship, purchases, inventory, human resources, projects, documents, fleet etc. That’s not all to it; there are 200+ other modules to help you do a lot of stuff. So, before you go in search of ‘the best accounting system’ or ‘the ideal HR management system’, just check out OpenERP, you are sure to find the ‘much wanted’ ray of hope. Added to that, if there is anything you need to modify, you simply need to get the system customized to suit your workflow WITHOUT boring big holes in your pocket.
To top it all, there is a huge active community of OpenERP users, partners, developers and ardent fans with whom you get to interact and find out a good deal on the software that you own.
Though this awesome, popular product that OpenERP is, and the ever developing world it is that we have around us, OpenERP is somehow not supported by a good mobile app that enables people to do important stuff on-the-move. When I say no apps, do not take it entirely so, as there are indeed a few, but most of them either provide just a couple of modules, while others give you a tough time trying to get it work.
So, for the hands-on experience and knowledge base built upon using and working on OpenERP and having studied its nuances in and out for over 4 years now, Confianz has zeroed in on the mission of building the ultimate Andriod app for OpenERP v 7.0. Once built, you get the app free to download from the Google play store and the source code from launchpad, released under Opensource AGPL v3.0 license. So, all you would need is to get your Android phones, install the app and do your work wherever in the globe you may be! Functionalities of major modules that are a must-have for mobile users are intended to be covered in this build. Ofcourse, data connectivity is a must, but it would provide you with handy options to counter-strike the mishap if you lose connectivity amidst a work. You can store your work to get it synced when the connectivity bar shows up again. Given that it is an ERP working on real data, this sync, together with a seamless, smooth user experience is indeed the striking specialty of this build.
Confianz has planned to get the funding for this work through communities and crowd-sourcing, as it is a move that benefits the thousands of OpenERP users around the globe. If you would like to pour in your approval or encouragement, a thumbs-up or are an OpenERP enthusiast excited at the idea, you can contribute to the OpenERP Android App build at:
Even 1$ counts! Contribute fund or spread the word.
Do shake off any bit of negativity and join us in getting the first release out… do not leave the contribution part for ‘some OpenERP freak’… or doubt if it is worthwhile or if it has anything in it for you. It is for everyone, you are our fuel.
We have an exciting journey and would definitely check on all rightful means to reach the destination.
If you have ANY questions, suggestions, concerns, approval/disapproval or a comment… whatever it may be, simply write to us at [email protected] . All entries are welcome!